Lots happening in South London in relation to mindfulness in Autumn 2014. The Dragon Cafe will be hosting an 11 week Body in Mind Mindfulness Training program led by Tamara Russell, commencing September 29th. These one hour sessions cover a short practice, a piece of theory about mindfulness training, some […]
Yearly Archives: 2014
A great workshop with teachers in Brazil who are already using mindfulness in the classroom or who are keen to try. We discussed the different models of mindful working schools and this group really grasped that first and foremost the mindfulness starts with the teacher. They were inspired by the […]
A great meeting last night with Lali Jurowsky, Luciana Gandolfo and Silvia Arcuri to discuss our forthcoming Body, Bones and Brains workshop (August 19th, Sao Paulo). Lali and Lu are two extremely experienced body workers who are trained in Continuum Movement and Eutonia methods respectively. Silvia is a neuroscientist and […]
Working with Dance United, Tamara Russell provided mindfulness consultancy for the Dance Team to support them in their pilot study of a dance intervention in mental health. The project aimed to work with young people and those with their first presentation of a severe mental illness, using a dance based […]
Dr. Russell has a long standing relationship with Bipolar UK, an excellent charity that supports those with bipolar and their carers. On July 23rd 2014 she headed up to Bipolar UK in their Pimlico office to run an introduction to mindfulness workshop for a staff training event. Sixteen staff from around the […]