Mind, Body, Movement and Play ….
For those interested in the links between movement, creativity, theatre, mindfulness and mental health – this is a great event happening in London on 16th June. I will be demonstrating with a neurocognitive model (based on Hasenkamp’s work) how these practices have their therapeutic effects.
One of the issues with this work is that although the methodologies are very different to the standard medical model interventions, there is a desire or need to show that they “work” in a manner that is very much tied to the medical model approach. We try to demonstrate changes in certain scales or standardized outcomes ……yet often these are hard to demonstrate.
These innovative ways of working are hard to evaluate with RCTs and other medical model approaches. However, anyone who has done work (such as that demonstrated by The Alchemy Project and Theatre Troupe) will know that these activities can be transformative, and especially so for those individuals who may struggle to connect with what is offered by the mainstream services. How can we best capture these embodied changes that happen when we work with theatre, movement, play and connect with others through the creative means.
Come and find out what this work is all about at the THEATRE & ATTACHMENT Conference 16th June at Queen Mary University of London.