Advisory Board


Dr Kah Mirza Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, LondonDr. K.A.H Mirza  

Dr. Mirza works as an Hon. Senior Lecturer and Consultant Adolescent psychiatrist at the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, London and South London and Maudsley NHS Trust. He is the clinical director of an In reach Adolescent forensic mental health services at Cookhamwood Youth offending institution, a specialist service for young people with ADHD, substance misuse and other mental health problems He has a long-standing clinical and research interest in substance misuse and emotional disorders and has over thirty years of experience of working with children, young people and adults with substance misuse and mental health problems in four different countries, including Ireland, U.K, Canada and India.

He is trained in Narrative/Systemic therapies and CBT and tends to use psychological therapies for the treatment of mental health problems in children and young people. He has developed a number of Manualised multimodal treatment programmes for ADHD and substance misuse and is about to publish a school based mental health promotion manual using principles of Appreciative inquiry. Having had a long-standing interest in arts and literature, he is particularly aware of the power of narratives in changing the lives of young people.


Jenny Nabben Director, Nabben CommunicationsJenny Nabben

Director of Nabben Communications

Jenny has over 20 years’ corporate experience in blue-chip companies including Coca Cola Enterprises, Lloyds, HSBC, Hewlett Packard and Hays plc working extensively in internal communications, change management and business improvement.

Jenny is an MBA from Henley Management College, has a BA in English and History (London University) and is a NLP Master Practitioner, facilitator and coach. She has a particular interest in language and neuroscience and in helping organisations improve internal relations, her new book Influence: What it Really Means and How to Make it Work for You is now available on Kindle.


Tina Roberts

Regulatory policy officer at the Care Quality Commission, the UK regulator for health and adult social care, Tina is currently leading the development and delivery of the new regulatory approach across England for independent acute healthcare. Her role includes providing acute policy advice to the Chief Inspector of Hospitals, Chief Executive and Chair, and working with national stakeholders, such as Government Departments and national bodies, such as NHS Partners, and the Association of Independent Healthcare Organisations. Her current policy portfolio includes independent healthcare, evaluation, sustainability, health inequalities, public health and fees.

Tina was formerly Chair of UNISON NHS Professionals in CQC from 2010 to 2013, where her activities included leading joint union members through a major headquarters restructure, a new pay re-structure and through the national pensions dispute. She is still a union activist and a volunteer for the award-winning Equality Trust, the campaigning organisation set up by the authors of The Spirit Level, Profs Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett. She helps campaign for income equality, currently helping the London group ‘My Fair London’ set up a London Fairness Commission. Tina also sings in blues band ‘Arms Length Blues’ gigging in and around London.

Jane Wilkinson, Director, Health Academix

Jane Wilkinson

Director of Health Academix – a research and development enterprise that supports professional and business development in the health and wellbeing sector. Recent work includes this collaboration with Dr Tamara Russell in establishing MCoE, creating media and web content and undertaking an audit of the Body-in-Mind Training program. She was formerly the director of a R&D Unit at the University of Westminster focusing on policy, clinical governance and professional development for integrated healthcare.

Jane has 25 years’ experience as a qualitative researcher on Patient and Public Involvement and Experience for a range of academic institutions and organisations, including; the King’s Fund, the National Primary Care Research and Development Centre, the Medical Research Council, and the Policy Studies Institute. She is also the Director of Giddy Aunts, a vibrant network of UK-based female artists that hosts events to showcase new materials and encourage new collaborations.