Creativity lies at the heart of the next wave of mindfulness.
We value equally the contribution of artists and scientists. We recognize the power of the arts to heal and particularly to heal those who might struggle to engage with “mainstream” treatments.
The Mindfulness Centre of Excellence is working with a number of collaborators to explore how creative arts and technology can support innovation in mindfulness. These approaches provide accessible and fun ways to help people engage with mindfulness and it’s benefits.
MCoE has a particular interest in the question of embodiment in mindfulness teaching and training and the role of creative arts (visual, movement, technology based) to support embodiment in mindfulness teachers.
We love learning and sharing from our creative partners. These deeply embodied and innovative practitioners bring wealth of learning and play to the task of developing our mindfulness skills.
Over the last ten years we have been developing fun public engagement activities, methodologies for teacher training, and clinical interventions that use creativity to facilitate new ways of sharing our experience of our minds and emotions. This includes regular activities with the National Gallery, London; Clod Ensemble, The Museum of Art, Rio de Janeiro , Sketch, London, Arebyte Gallery, London and various other galleries worldwide. Centre Co-Director Tony Langford brings particularly expertise in this area as the Founder and Director of Kinetica Art Museum.
We have worked with artists including Liz Finegold, Delphine Perrot (who is now on our team), Fernanda Terra, Mark Farid and Jose Montemayor Alba.
Honouring with deep respect the pioneers of secular mindfulness, MCoE is keen to harness the innovation, creativity and energy that is welling up world-wide as individuals from all walks of life connect with mindfulness practices. For those who find it hard to speak, or to allow us to share our experiences across cultures, an image, a movement, a sound or a rhythm can sometimes offer more than a thousand words.