The Dragons had a busy few days in October 2019 in the south of Brasil in Porto Alegre at the Concriart Conference. This conference is for therapists, counsellors, family workers and educators. It has a focus on creative ways of therapeutic engagement for young people and families.
Raquel Lhullier and Tamara Russell ran a “What Colour is your Dragon?” workshop for therapists and educators at the conference. Support was also provided by collaborator Dr. Tiago Tatton from Iniciativa Mindfulness.

We are looking forward to offering an Innovation Edge symposium retreat at next years Concriart in Rio. A sharing of learning from the edges of mindfulness innovation in the work with children, young people and families.
Co-Director Tamara Russell gave a key-note presentation on the Dragons model (videos below – not great quality sorry but listening is ok).

I was using the “Paulista sequence”
Further Resources
These two videos below capture Tamara Russell’s talk at Concriart, Porto Alegre, Brasil in October 2019.
You can also read a bit more here. Or buy the Portuguese book here or via Raquel who offers support to those who wish to work through the book at a deeper level.
If you want to explore mindful movement practices, you might like Dr. Tamara Russell Moving Meditation on-line course with Namu or the book Mindfulness in Motion.
You can buy the Portuguese version of What Colour is your Dragon here.