We promote, deliver, develop and support innovative and quality secular Mindfulness through our core activities including:
Supporting Our Next Generation
Work with children and families to provide the skills we all need to survive and thrive in our evolving world.
This work includes our cross-cultural program “What Colour is your Dragon?” with Raquel Lhullier and training programs for families, educators and those working with young people).
Three Dragons, Two Secrets and 1 Language. Sign up to our mailing list to keep in touch with us and find out more about our What Colour is your Dragon? activities.
Conscious Next Generation Tech
“It’s vital we learn to relate differently to our technology and mindfulness can help.”
Our Mindful 360 Design process supports the next generation of tech and tech entrepreneurs to ensure we create products and services that are kind to our minds, our bodies and the planet.
Next Generation Integral Health
“It’s clear the model needs updating”
Transforming Wounded Healers (Tamara Russell – Tools to Transform Healthcare/Therapy/ Transpersonal)
Our Next Generation Healthcare Co Design Work with Experts by Experience
“Those with direct experience as well as professional training are the key to unlocking the most skillful ways to help people find their own routes to healing”.
Weathering Storms with Anthony Fidler (integral approaches for paradigm shift in trauma work).
The Heartfulness Project with Dr. Maya Campbell (changing the paradigm in the treatment of heart conditions).
Conscious Creativity with Rosie Lowman (creative ways to support carers of all ages including our Sew Mindful project developed with Liz Finegold).
Next Generation Mindfulness Teachers
“Movement and play are the best ways to learn and we believe that we can use these approaches to train our mindfulness too.”
Drawing on over 6 years of cross cultural work with Brazil partners Casa Do Horto and Iniciativa Mindfulness (Body in Mind Training Program and the Neurocognitive Foundations for Mindfulness Teachers), we offer a variety of training options for mindfulness teachers looking for new ways to share their skills. New programs will be offered shortly in the UK.
Supervision for Mindfulness Teachers working with innovation and the edges of mindfulness delivery. This brainwise approach to support skillful adaptations of mindfulness delivery is offered 121 and in Action Refletion Learning Groups by Centre Founder Dr. Tamara Russell.